Design Concept for the Romanian Furniture Manufacturers International Exhibition Booth

A national booth for the Romanian furniture.


There is an imperative need to refresh and update Romania’s image at international fairs such as the Milan Design Fair. Our team has
participated both as visitor and exhibitor at these fairs several times and has introduced its conclusions in the presented project.


Romania is one of the largest and well known producers of solid wood
furniture in the world, therefore Romania’s stand is made of solid
wood. We have opted for an impressive exterior that does not leave all
secrets exposed at first glance. It is an invitation made to visitors to
enter the interior where the story of each manufacturer is told.
Also, the Romanian stand is designed to provide an equally
advantageous exposure for all its exhibitors.
The national stand that we considered the most suitable for the
international furniture fairs in which Romania is participating is thus a
business card for the wood industry and an invitation to learn more
about Romania and its furniture manufacturers.

It’s a concept because:
The project was submitted in 2017 in a public competition for designing Romania’s new national stand at the international furniture fairs. The competition had specific technical requirements. The jury was mainly made out of not-so-open-to-change members who voted for another design, which in our opinion resembles very much the previous design. Our belief is that our project did not win because it did not take into consideration that the jury will resist change and go the classical way, even if one condition was to submit a “new design”. We hope that we will see more open-mindedness at future competitions.

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