Starting with 2013 we began working on the Visual Identity of Pro Optica, a Romanian manufacturer for optical and military equipment.
Obviously the first step was establishing a guideline for their new image. We started with their history and decided to preserve their main colors as they were an important and recognisable visual identity element.
The next step was to establish a new way of communication the company’s fields of activity in the simplest visual way, thus introducing the gradient as a symbol for transparency and optics, and the crosshairs as symbols of the military targeting systems.

During the next months we developed a larger Visual Identity manual for Pro Optica, thus offering them the tools for having a new and improved image.
The goals they wanted to achieve were to gain a better visibility on the international market and to be able to transmit their core values through their new image. These were formed of a mixture of technological tradition and innovation.
While discussing the brief, it was even mentioned that the existing square of the old logo was to be used again in the new logo, making our job therefore a lot more targeted.
One of our main objectives while designing the Pro Optica logo was to make it more legible and easier to understand from afar. The old logo had a lot of problems with the typeface and spacing of the letters so a lot of work went into finding the right type of letter and spacing.